Lumine Wiki

Bill was Kody's old cat that got killed by bullies while protecting Kody. Due to his strong desire with the help of an entity, he became an evil spirit that brought harm to Kody yet refused to leave him. He broke a fight with Lumine who tries to get rid of him until he realizes that he was doing more harm than good to Kody by staying.


The spirit is seen as a black cat made of dust with white, glowing eyes. In one of the episodes, it's also shown that it can make itself transform into a bigger size, with visible teeth that are white like its eyes. When they transform, they can also morph back into their original cat spirit form. They can get into Kody's body and control it as their own, changing his eye color from green, having red around Kody's pupil, to yellow, and giving him ears similar to a weredog. Kody's arms also turn into black, and he grows long, sharp claws and teeth. Black spots form around his body, especially on his face. Mostly, the spirit is always observed with Kody, and Kody doesn’t seem to mind its presence.


Like Kody, the cat often showed signs of being ignorant and was always overprotective around him. The spirit wanted the best for Kody and thinks that Lumine ruined everything when he came along. Like the descriptions of cursed spirits, they are usually up to something unfortunate and evil, such as when they controlled Kody to attack Charlotte and escape.


It was the same cat that was saved by Kody from the streets when he was young, but later on, it became a spirit that has linked itself with Kody. It is shown in Episode 92 that the spirit used to be a black cat that Kody found when he was young. After Aiden let him keep it, Kody named the cat Bill. Shortly after Calla began bullying Kody, he began shutting everyone out and distancing himself from others, leaving Bill to wonder what was happening. After Elijah became friends with Kody, Bill became more at ease noticing that Kody had someone to warm up to. After Elijah suddenly stopped coming over and noticing Kody becoming even more distant, Bill decided to take matters into his own hands and went out to find Kody one day after school. Finding a group of bullies harrassing Kody and Elijah, Bill rushed in to try and help them, but was ultimately killed by one of the witch bullies, leaving Kody to blame himself since he provoked the witch. Soon after, Bill became a spirit and attached itself to Kody, despite Kody's family warning him that the spirit was bad for him. After Bill tried to make Kody kill the witch bully that killed him, it is shown that Kody tries to get his dad to remove Bill, but he possesses Kody again and makes him forget all of the bad things he did to him and that they were friends. Shortly after Kody and Lumine arrived in Terrenavo and meet Camille, Bill possesses Kody's body and tries to kill Lumine, blaming him for everything that has happened to them since he showed up. Before Bill can kill Lumine, Kody confronts him and insists that none of it is Lumine's fault. He then explains to Bill that spirits absorb living creatures negative emotions, making them stronger and more dangerous and also making them feel the emotions. He tells Bill that if he stays he'll keep absorbing Kody's negative emotions and assures him that Bill didn't have to look out for him anymore. Bill, finally at ease knowing that Kody will be all right without him, apologizes for everything he did to Kody and Lumine and fades away.

Powers and Abilities[]

Spiritual physiology: After becoming an evil spirit, Bill gained some spiritual abilities.

  • Life drain: Due to his status as an evil spirit and always kept by his side, Bill worsens Kody's condition to more serious levels.
  • Possession: Bill was able to possess Kody's body and make it his own. The longer the possession lasted, the body went through some physical changes. However, this was not absolute and Kody was able to temporarily regain control of his arm and then have Bill speak to him in his subconscious.



The Black Cat Spirit followed Kody around and causesd misfortune and chaos around him. However, it had been seen rubbing against him and purring. When it does this, Kody would rub its head as if it was a normal cat.


Though they did not interact often, Lumine was aware and somewhat afraid of the Black Cat Spirit. He was seen talking to the spirit when attempting to get it to leave Kody before Kody woke up. He finds it harder to notice spirits, which is normal, according to Aiden.


Noticing that Kody had a cursed spirit following him, she was planning to do something in order to remove it before it got too dangerous. Her cat, Charlotte, can attack the spirit when it's in their bigger form and minimize it back into the original cat form.


  • Black cats are traditionally associated with bad luck in many European cultures which may relate to the story plot behind Kody's lack of using magic, as we can see in the Webtoon, Kody has trouble using magic around the same time Bill appeared.
  • It is known that only witches could see the Black Cat Spirit, although Lumine, a werewolf, could see the spirit as well.


